Now the subject which I enjoyed the most is Taller, is most important subject in my career, and one of the most difficult too, because is the is the instance in which we materialize all the project ideas and apply what we have learned in the other classes.

In this subject we learn to know different aspects that we will have to consider in the future when we are commissioned to design a particular project, among what we are taught are the basic concepts of spatiality, characteristics of the spaces and the function that can be given to them, also study the territory in which we are asked to be located and how we develop the project based on this.

So far, I have liked this class because it is the one that has helped me the most to change my vision of the environment in which I move and how it works in favor of people, it has also allowed me to develop a critical look at the city and how its planning influences how we face them and what function we give the different places that exist in it and relate to each other.

                                                                                                                              The Literary Raven.


  1. I find this course interesting, although I have several friends who tell me that they suffer a lot with this branch, I think it is the time of creativity and practice in which they can develop.


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