When I was a little girl i had many dreams about what I wanted to do, once I grew up, some of those was to be a princess, singer, model or traveler, but only was a really serious, that was be a pediatrician; I had this idea for years, because i saw the career like a good job in a future, but then I grow and I realized that I like the artistic side and investigate the world history, thing that made me come in a dilemma.What I like the most?

Finally, I decided going for both, I looked a career where these two passions were to be presents, and I found architecture and design; again, an other dilemma, but this time was easier the choose, because I thought that architecture would allow me learn about the different constructions in a different countrys and travel across of a big part of the world, that I love since I dreamed as a little girl that admired the fantasy, myths, castles and nature.

Now I have a more mature vision of what the architecture is. In this short journey I've had some tough times, where I felt so bad and fool, but after that I've recovered and I´m still here, remembering why I like the career.

                                           The literary Raven.


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