I'm Bárbara (everyones calls me Barbie) I was born in Talagante, but I lived eleven years in Maipú, and then I moving to Rancagua, place where I actually live.

I always live with my two parents, that ever try to give me the best things that they could, they are always motivated me to do whats makes me happy and never give up with nothing.

Now I study architecture at the University of Chile because i like the artistic side of the career and the possibilities that I'm going to have, once I finish my studies.

I love dance, when i was a little girl, I went to ballet class for two years, I loved them, but after a few years I continue with this hobby intermittently, exploring other styles, trying to find one in that I could feel comfortable.

Also, I like to write, poetry since 2015, and read books of youth literature, romance, some of the classic ones, others of historical fiction, besides recently I started with black novel; my favorites are those of fantasy, given that the writers create worlds with magic, fairies, amazing myths and legends, in wich I noticed that I could escape of reality and find different places to know or discover.

                                                              The literary Raven


  1. For my is lost the part art of degree for the pandemic only simple programs modeling in 3d and outline the contents of worshop wait of pandemic end more fast

  2. It is amazing to immerse yourself in the world of fantasy! A true escape from the hash reality of pandemic. You keep your mind occupied on much more encouraging scenarios but you end up becoming too fond with characters lol

  3. Ohhh I’ve always wanted to learn ballet, it was my frustrated dream. On the other hand, how cool that you’re entering into the wonderful and disturbing black novel’s world. A while ago, I read “The Butterfly Garden” by Dot Hutchison, and became on of my favorites. I recommend it 100%.

  4. Oooow! i always liked to watch ballet, I find that it is a very beautiful dance. I share you opinion, reading takes us to different word and universes of creativity we carefree about reality.

  5. Hello, you have very good literary taste, I also like to read fantasy and especially those about mermaids, they make me travel to a different world.

  6. how entertaining! when I was 10 years old I practiced ballet for a one year. I had a really good time,I loved dancing and going out in school events . I only went for one year because the teacher left down .

  7. You are pretty cool, i would really love to learn more about black novel.
    Never give up on your dreams, keep at it.


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